Serbia | Fidulink Support |Company Formation D.o.o |En


  • Consultation Registration D.o.o Slovenia
  • Power of Attorney  – Remote Procedures
  • Fidulink KYC Procedure [Company Sheet – Personal Questionnaire – Identity Documents]
  • LLC Registration  Documents Preparation
  • Government fees
  • Notary Cost
  • 1 stamp
  • 1 year of Virtual Address (registered address )
  • Application for Bank Account Opening

Optional Fees:

Post Registration:

  • Beneficial Owner Registration [compulsory] 199€

Optional Fees:

  • Acquiring e-signature  Application 219 €
  • Acquiring registration of stay (required for opening a bank account) is 189 €
  • Accounting services fee depends on the workload


  • Timeframe   for company Registration is 3-5 working days.
  • Timeframe for opening the company bank account is 7 days – 1 month.

Documents Required

We will also require the following Customer Due Diligence (CDD) documentation in accordance with our EU Anti-Money Laundering requirements:

  • Certified copy of the passport of all directors (director) and any other person holding 25% or more of the ultimate beneficial ownership/issued shares of the company. Must be certified by an independent lawyer, notary, auditor or bank agent AND THE COPY PHOTO MUST BE CLEAR AND EASILY IDENTIFIABLE. The certification must state “true copy of the original document” or similar and include the date and official stamp.
  • One Document (certified copy as above or original) proving the residential addresses of at least the director (if the company has two or more) and any other persons holding 25% or more of the ultimate beneficial ownership/ issued shares of the company. The following should apply:
    Must be a utility bill, government/municipal bill or bank/credit card statement – (cell phone bills will not be accepted)
    Documents for at least one director must be translated into English, if necessary.
    Must be less than 3 months old.
    Must have the person’s full name and full address
    The address should preferably be in the upper left corner in a standard letter, or clearly identifiable

No pen marks or corrections on documents are allowed
If we are assisting with a bank account, we will require the above documentation for all account signatories who are not a director/shareholder as well and all banks will require a business plan submitted with the application.

  • If the company has a corporate shareholder (i.e. another company as a shareholder), we require a letter from an independent lawyer (ideally located in the country in which the company is incorporated) on its official paper outlining the entire corporate structure and confirming who the ultimate beneficial owners are. Please include ownership percentages and full beneficial ownership details including name, address, date of birth and passport number (optional)

Remotely Company Registration – Power of Attorney Option

If only one person will be director and owner , please choose No at this option, because, in Serbia, in every case, the owner director will need to come to Belgrade because of taking over the Digital Signature, which must be done personally.

POA Option means that we make Power of Attorney (authorization), you notarize it in your country of residence, send it to us. We translate it here, and register the company based on that. After the director should come because of other procedures – Especially digital Signature, but owner even does not need to come to Serbia at all.

Bank Account opening Application – with personal presence or without personal presence

Serbian company need to have bank account in Serbia Banks.
Serbian company can sell online with Paypal too.

We can help preparing for bank account opening . We working day to day with Eurobank in Serbia. Or bank online if you prefer.

When you come to Serbia, you need to take white card from the accomodation in which you are staying , because bank will ask for that. White card is confirmation that you are staying at that accomodation from certain date to certain date.

Bank do not make ebanking immediately after opening bank account.
They usually need around 7-10 days to make ebanking. We can pick it up and send it to you.
It is explained in another option.

Bank has a right to decline to open bank account for the client, without explanation. Having in mind that, we can not guarantee that bank account will accept to open bank account for your company.
The price below is for the service for preparing documents for bank account opening, in this case bank refuse to open, we are not refunding this amount.

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